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Cyclops Trader Mentorship

Exclusive Mentorship program from an active Proprietary Firm Day Trader, usually only available to junior Traders within a Proprietary Trading firm.


"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime" - Chinese Proverb


After completing a three month mentorship with Cyclops Trader, I am more than satisfied with what I have leant. I would recommend the mentorship for anyone who wants to learn how to trade properly, or who wants to take their trading to another level, even if you have experience in the market. I would not be where I am today without doing this mentorship. Highly recommended and leant a lot more than I ever expected. 

Haydn Powell

It’s funny to look back on the ‘trader’ I thought I was before being mentored by Kaine. It’s now clear that I had almost no idea what I was doing, and never entirely understood the market and what moves it. “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Kaine’s Mentorship pieced together all the missing pieces that I didn’t even know  existed. He showed me what’s possible, and most importantly helped me finally understand what it meant to have an edge and develop, master my own edge in the market. I owe many thanks to Kaine, and am grateful for everything he’s done for and with me. Highly recommend and hope to continue working with Kaine in the future.

Charlie Cross

My experience of the mentorship so far has exceeded my expectations. It has help me to understand the mentality and tenacity required to succeed in my trading business.
As a mentor, I feel Kaine is very approachable and has a genuine concern for the success of his mentees.  He does not shy away from delivering key insights in our bi weekly review sessions.

I have found Kaine to be a thorough professional with a tremendous work ethic. His knowledge and dedication to his craft inspires me to be better everyday.

Jay Singh

I had the absolute privilege of being part of the Cyclops Mentorship program. It’s hard to put into words how much I appreciated the effort Kaine puts into the program and the mass amount of knowledge and skills I received. While many people are precious and hold back in passing on knowledge acquired over years which I get  - Kaine didn’t hold back and went to great lengths to explain how markets work and to pass trading skills on to the team while at the same time expecting and making us accountable. This is not a cushy Mentorship. Its hard work. Highly recommended.

Geoff Elliott

One month in and I have added so much more depth to my trades and eliminated a lot of trades that were not working for me. I no longer just rely on daily news play catalyst for a trade. I find learning in a group environment helpful, seeing other traders thesis for a trade good, the not so good. Talking about them and learning from them. Having someone to be accountable too and that can give you honest feedback on your trade decisions really helps with eliminating or implementing habits. Learning from someone that has a passion for what they do and puts in the hard work makes me want to be a better trader.

Cheyne Dahl

The knowledge I’ve adopted in this short span of time would’ve taken me years to accrue

David Spolidoro

The Cyclops mentorship has been an amazing opportunity and assisted in the development of my trading career. The consistent feedback and support from Cyclops on a daily basis, along with the level of accountability is something that has given me a framework that has helped me become a much greater disciplined and focused trader.

Raymond Koura

I would highly recommend this mentorship for those that are serious about putting in the hard work to becoming a better trader but would like some structure, accountability and support.

Raymond Koura

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